Investment Philosophy

Investment Advisor Services provided by a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)

All investment portfolios managed by Halley Hill are tailored to your unique needs and objectives. Prudent investing is not “one size fits all” and your particular goals are paramount in the portfolio management process. But we do maintain certain core beliefs of how investing should be done, and these beliefs drive our investment process for all clients.

Preference for Simple Over Complex

Effective investing doesn’t have to be complex…but you wouldn’t think that based on some of the financial products offered today. We spend a great deal of time learning about and understanding the complex products to determine if they offer a benefit to our clients – but usually the simple solution is the best alternative. We don’t make things any more complex than they absolutely must be. This goes for how we invest as well as how we discuss options and opportunities with you. You should expect straightforward advice and understandable financial solutions, and that’s what you’ll get with us.

Avoiding Big Mistakes Beats Swinging for the Fences

If you’re looking for a “get rich quick” opportunity we are not the right advisor for you. Our investment philosophy is based on taking a long-term view with the decisions we make to improve your probability of financial success and meeting your goals. Taking excessive risk hoping for a high short-term return is not consistent with this philosophy and we don’t take these types of risks as an investment advisor.

Taxes and Costs Matter…. A Lot

Every dollar spent on taxes and costs is one less dollar that can be used to fund your retirement plans, contribute to a child’s education, or meet your other financial goals. We take great care in identifying low-cost alternatives consistent with your overall financial needs and consider the tax implications of all investment and portfolio management decisions. As an investment advisor we do not provide tax advice but would welcome the opportunity to coordinate with your tax professional to ensure your portfolio is managed in the most tax-efficient way consistent with your unique situation.

Disciplined Focus on the Long Term

Markets go up and down; they always have and always will. We stay rational and level-headed in the worst of times and realistic in the best of times. Our unwavering focus on the long-term financial success of our clients allows us to see past the immediate gyrations of financial markets and keep our attention solely on the task at hand – managing your investments as your investment advisor to meet your goals and needs. Focusing on the long term is in the best interest of our clients, so we consider this a core principle of how we operate.

Humility is Required

We wish we knew which stocks will go up over the next six months. We also wish we knew whether interest rates are about to rise or fall and which companies will beat earnings estimates this quarter. Unfortunately, we don’t know any of these things – and neither does anyone else. We make decisions as your investment advisor with a clear understanding that markets will not always behave as we’d like them to, and your portfolio is constructed taking this into account. We wish we knew exactly which investments will perform best over the short term – that would make our job a lot easier – but since this is unknowable we instead focus on your long term goals and the investment mix allowing for the highest probability of success.

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